Belle’s Bell
Beguilingly beautiful Belle had a blue bell in her dress’s pocket wherever she went. She never knew when she might need it, for it was always a spontaneously pleasant surprise, so she chose to always keep it with her. She was quite fond of her small blue bell with a little handle for her to wrap her slim fingers around. It was a sweet, music instrument, crafted to bless one’s ears and swiftly bring elegant smiles on people’s faces.
But Belle didn’t ring her bell for the sake of others around her. On the contrary, she only ever rung it when she was in solace with nature. In a sweet, bluebell flower field under the moonlight and the rustling of the wind, Belle’s blue bell was a music addition that set the mood just right for her to sway with the wind and softly smile. She spun around the field, the bell ringing along with her every move, and her laughs mingled with the musical sound and the flowers swishing against each other. Her pale blue dress caressed the bluebell petals so gently, like delicate hugs as though the flowers were too fragile.
Belle’s brown-haired curls bounced over her back as she moved, and she giggled to herself when the wind wildly shifted her hair over her face defiantly. As soon as she calmed down, she inhaled deeply, the lovely bluebell scent soothingly her and causing her to flutter her eyes shut.
Her blue bell gently cooed when her hand twitched, and she smiled in peace. Oh, Belle really wished with all her heart that she could stay in this mellow moment forever, but alas, time waited for no one, and she had duties to fulfill.
But one thing that left her with a reassured smile, was that she would return here once again, with her beautiful, blue bell.