Moonlight’s Touch
It greets you with a tentative touch so delicate in its nature, that you can barely feel it against your skin.
It persistently exists and illuminates your skin so marvellously for as long as you are underneath its source: the magnificent moon. The moon resided among the shimmering stars, who watched it in utter awe as it radiated its aura around them and intoxicated them into falling for its undeniable beauty. The stars often wondered what it was like to be so gloriously stunning to the point of not even competing with anyone for attention like the rest of them did with one another. They squirmed and writhed with envy the longer they gawked at the moon, wishing for nothing more than to be just like it.
Whether the moon noticed the envious glares and hushed whispers or not, no one could really tell. It never reacted, never retaliated, and never seemed fazed by any of what was expressed about it. The moon simply peered down at the little dots which we were from all the way up in its home, with a warm, gentle smile and a capacity for comfort so massive it was simply unbelievable. It was watching us from a great distance, quietly asking if anyone needed its comforting embrace, if anyone wished for its reassuring existence, if anyone wished to marvel at one of God’s most beautiful creations. As it stared down at the lonely souls, the broken souls, the hopeless souls — it heart-wrenchingly wept for them. It wished with all its power that it could share some of its peace to the souls who needed it; it beseeched them to just look up at it for a moment to give them some peace of mind, even if it was temporary. Its beauty and serenity were deliberate in its creation, for us to gaze up at and soak in its wondrously peaceful existence.
The moon’s light shone with profound power, and yet, it was such a soft glow — entirely juxtaposing its brightness. It completely contradicted its’ respected peer, the sun. Where the sun imposed unbearable heat, the moon offered a cool breeze. When the sun touched the entire country, the moon offered a unique spotlight and stashed everything else into the shadows of the mysterious night. What the sun exposed, the moon concealed. What the sun bleached, the moon accentuated with elegance.
And finally, when the sun burned with ruthless rage, the moon shone with perpetual peace.
As your head leans back for your curious gaze to land up on the moon welcomingly staring down at you, allow yourself to have a quiet moment of gratitude for its existence. Its calmness and beauty alone could help ease your own tension and pain with its gentle touch.
You are its friend, and it is your companion.