Pesky Leech
There is a pesky leech that won’t come off you easily. It feeds on your pleasure, your elation and positivity, and on your happiest moments. With every ounce of joy it sucks out of your system, it leaves more room for your negative thoughts, your frightful phobias, your dreaded nightmares, and your awful insecurities.
Your brain’s been polluted by a poisonous tar-like substance that is quick to captivate your mind and swallow it whole into its large, gaping, greedy black hole of a mouth. As you float into darkness and nothingness, you are deemed hopeless and incapable of pulling yourself out of the tormenting doom that you’ve fallen victim to.
It is not your fault that you have easily succumbed to the inviting, tranquil whisper of horror, where all your hopes and dreams have been callously crushed into dust. You couldn’t help it when for an eternity, you’ve been fighting for your contentment like a ferocious warrior fighting for their freedom, but alas, you’ve grown fatigued, and the barrel of your capacity to take punches and kicks has been filled to the brim, and eventually, it over-spilled, intoxicating your mind in an instant.
From your mind, the tar-like poison travels down to your heart, but be cautious, for once it pierces through the fragile walls of your heart, it is nearly impossible to cure you. If you allow it to seep through, then it taints your organ with a dangerous darkness like no other, and damning you for an impending demise of your own fractured soul. It will cover your heart completely, and next, it will travel through your veins, and engulf your entire body in vile venom.
Sometimes wars are lost, all has fallen, and you have surrendered. The only choice you are given, however, is to either take the steady journey of recovery, or follow the path of self-destruction and inner turmoil.
Don’t let yourself fall prey to the negativity that attempts to infiltrate your mind. The human mind is far more advanced than you might imagine, so why let it get robbed of its right state, when it can help you fight the pessimism and conquer, undefeated? Because as you rise above the dark, dense mass of clouds, and take a long, everlasting gaze around you at the beautifully bright sky, composed of orange, red, purple, pink and blue splashes morphed and blended together to form one breathtaking view, your scowling face transforms into one in pure awe of the marvellous sight before your pretty, sparkling eyes full of wonder and hope. How can one not feel at ease with the stunning sight of the sun setting and leaving a gorgeous painting behind before the moon takes its place and reassures you with its presence?
If you persistently push away the pessimism out of your life, you will accept the inevitable truth that indeed, at times sad events occur, and your heart painfully tugs against your chest in pain, and your eyes glisten with tears, and your throat dangerously constricts. However, if you keep enough room inside you full of the possibility of things always getting better, of light to always penetrate through the awful storm in your mind — you will never give in to the overwhelming darkness that constantly awaits your weakest state for it to swallow you in one gulp.
The light will always find you, if only you let it.