Place a Lid Over it
Is it finally time to unscrew the lid and unleash your inner dragon?
There it is once again; that overflowing waterfall of hurtful words waiting to overspill out of your anticipating mouth and drowning the person stood before you. Should you unleash the dangerous dragon within you, allowing it to spew its flaring fire at your opponent, or should you tame your beast to avoid a catastrophe?
They do the most ridiculous of things that quite irk you, and when you confront them, they claim you’re mad. Perhaps they view your sanity as madness because they’re wired differently. Why must you be the one to always place a lid over your emotions, suppress your feelings, and lock away your opinions just for the sake of pleasing others? Why must you always be the one to compromise and sacrifice? Why must you be the one to adapt to their terms?
It’s always expected of you to place a lid over what stands out from the norm, and perhaps you’ve played along and kept that lid sealed shut for quite a while. However, the jar is starting to overflow and it’s applying a tremendous pressure on that lid. Surely, its contents are inevitably going to spew into the atmosphere at some point. Even then, people would point their blaming fingers at you, writing you off as a vicious villain, when in reality, they are the biggest villains to exist for manipulating you into believing you are at fault for feeling things, for wanting to voice your thoughts, and for expressing who you are.
So, there goes your irritating voice of reason that incessantly convinces you to place a lid over your emotions. It’s mouth has been taped shut by the dangerous dragon within you, silencing it for a moment, just so you could gather your courage and scream. As you opened your mouth and allowed your throat to emit that shrill noise out to everyone around you, you felt your soul awaken once again.
You almost forgot just how exhilarating it felt to be alive, because you’ve been dimming the light of your soul for quite so long. You’ve been stashing it away, placing a lid over it and covering it from any prying eyes. No more. Tonight, you shall unleash your dragon and soar into the air with a newfound freedom. You shall no longer keep quiet in the face of a person offending you time and time again. You shall no longer keep your inexplicably immaculate ideas to yourself in fear of having them rejected. You shall no longer keep your emotions hidden just so people remain satisfied.
From tonight, you are a free dragon, and the lid has been chucked into the deepest ocean.