Riley’s Rain Shield
Riley was the sort of person to quickly develop emotional attachments to her belongings, and her red raincoat was no exception. In fact, it was most certainly her favourite item in her closet, because it was what she wore most. Living in a town in England where rainfall frequently blesses its streets in harsh showers every year, Riley was often seen briskly walking Southport’s streets wearing her scarlet raincoat with a ridiculously high level of trust in the garment. She considered it a trustworthy shield against the bullets of rain pattering all over her small figure every time she left the shelter of her home.
The red raincoat served its owner with pride, and its accomplishment in protecting Riley evidently shimmered through its bright colour; it screamed at the top of its lungs to the entire world’s population that it was the best raincoat to ever exist. Riley was well aware of it, for she and her dearly loved raincoat were ultimately inseparable. So, when Riley’s friend, Theodore, vehemently trudged along the street one day, grabbing Riley’s hand and dragging her along with her to a coffee shop quickly to flee from the callous rain, Riley quietly made note of how utterly useless Theodore’s yellow umbrella was.
As soon as they set foot into the warm coffee shop, Theodore vigorously shook himself around while shutting his umbrella, causing Riley to laugh softly as she gently pulled her raincoat’s hood down.
“I told you Theo — you need a dependable raincoat just like mine if you want to shield yourself from the rain.” She mused, a childish smile resting on her face.
Theodore huffed irritably as he attempted to push his wet hair off his forehead due to the rain drenching it, despite his best effort to protect it with his umbrella. “Stupid, little yellow thing — I thought it could at least save me the trouble of looking like a wet dog, but I might as well have not taken it with me altogether.” He eyed his umbrella disdainfully.
Riley grinned as they walked forward towards the queue of people waiting to order their beverages, and she said, “I know — you’re completely soaked in rain.”
Theodore scowled, though a playful look flickered in his eyes as he amusedly suggested, “Maybe you should let me borrow your ludicrously waterproof raincoat on our way back.”
Riley laughed and shook her head adamantly. “You are not taking my baby away from me. Get your own.”
Theodore smiled at his best friend and eyed the menu hung up behind the counter as he mused, “It’s honestly crazy how not a single drop of rain touched you while wearing that thing.”
“It’s got its own superpowers, you know.” Riley piped up as she slipped out of her raincoat and draped it inside-out on her arm.
Theodore eyed her in disbelief. “God, you really are attached to this thing to the point where you can’t just leave it on the coatrack by the door like I did with my umbrella.”
Riley shrugged. “I can’t blame you for ditching your hopeless umbrella, but when you get to know a dependable raincoat like mine,” She paused to pat her red clothing item affectionately. “you’d refuse to let it out of your sight too.”
He laughed light-heartedly and shook his head. “You need help.”
“So do you in terms of protection from the storm brewing outside.” Riley deadpanned.
“What can I get for you, guys?” James, a man in his early thirties with a constantly worn smile, asked them brightly as they reached the counter to take their order.
“Morning, James!” Theodore piped up. “I’ll have a small cappuccino, and Riley here will have the large hot chocolate.”
“With cinnamon and marshmallows, please!” Riley requested politely, as James nodded his head and took the bill out of Theodore’s outstretched hand to him.
“Coming right up!”
As they moved to sit down at a small table, Theodore watched as Riley draped her raincoat over the back of her seat, and asked, “How about you help me shop for one, then?”
Riley focused her attention on her best friend, shooting him a quizzical look, and queried, “One what?”
“A raincoat.” He clarified.
Riley’s face brightened in realisation and exclaimed teasingly, “Oh, that’d be lovely! You’d no longer have to look like a wet dog!”
Theodore rolled his eyes playfully and gently kicked Riley’s shin underneath the table. “I’m serious! I’m in desperate need of a professional rain shield, and your raincoat seems to be fulfilling that task perfectly!”
Riley hummed as a waitress walked up to their table and gently placed their drinks down before walking away to serve other customers.
“Okay, then — let’s do it! Do you want a red raincoat like mine?”
Theodore shuddered in distaste, before bringing the mug of cappuccino up to his lips and took a small sip. After placing the cup back down, he stated, “God, no. Red is your colour, not mine.” He then wiggled his eyebrows and asked, “I’d look better in a yellow raincoat, don’t you think?”
Riley smirked and said, “Trying to make up for your soon to be disposed of yellow umbrella?”
Theodore then muttered guiltily, “Maybe.”
Riley then offered him an elated grin, before confirming, “A yellow raincoat it is.”