Rollercoaster of Routine
Routines can either make you or break you.
In a state of morbid melancholy, he silently recalled the tantalising torment he endured, whether blatantly or discreetly. He felt as though he was trapped in an endless loop, like tides licking the shore and retreating to the sea for an eternity. The memories wash up on the shore of his mind, and retreat to its depths eventually, but it does not make the experience any less painful. It was far from serene, and the tranquility of it sent shivers down his trembling spine. Replaying distasteful memories is like your tastebuds coming in contact with an awfully sour lime; the tang is the first punch of flavour, and the aftertaste is the lingering, dull ache.
Perpetual pain pumped through his bloodstream as he acknowledged the bleak truth that he was never truly heard by another. There were those who dismissed his need to have a deep discussion with a nonchalant wave of their hand, and others recreated his distraught state, redirecting it so as to make themselves the root of the conversation. His horrid loneliness ate away from his soul, drained the happiness out of him, chipped away from his humanity, until he was nothing but a mere fragment of who he once was. He allowed this constant loop of a rollercoaster of sullenly solemn sadness to play over and over again, formulating a terribly toxic routine.
He was like a marvellously magnificent mosaic; he is a beautiful art to be admired, but the shards of himself never actually meet. He felt drastically disconnected from himself, let alone the entire universe. He felt out of place, like a puzzle piece attempting to wedge itself into a foreign puzzle set. What was this awful awkwardness he was unable to discard from his life?
Would he ever be free of this morbidly mundane routine-driven life of his? He was in desperate need of bulldozing his way out of this routine prison of pain he was confined into. He slowly but surely collected every ounce of courage to step out of this bleak comfort zone that held him captive.
One day, he is going to punch a hole into his routine, and touch new beginnings.