Spray Some Sunshine
As a child, your imagination tended to be quite vast, daring to go beyond the horizon to discover the undiscovered, and believe the unbelievable. It is no surprise then, that a child boldly tells you they want to bottle intangible things in spray bottles.
So why do you get startled every time they utter those words?
Children believe in everything because their minds are yet to develop that mundane quality we call logic. I am a firm believer in the fact that the moment a person acquires logic, it is the death of their youthful thinking, and therefore their ability to dream. And yet, there are a few of us who maintained our childishly creative streak through our journey in obtaining and using our logic. If you are an adult with a youthful energy and openness to thoughts that ordinary adults might deem ridiculous, then you are an extraordinary soul.
A child walked up to you with confidence, and they demanded, “I wish to bottle sunshine in this spray bottle.”
As you crouched down to be in level with the child, you wondered curiously, “And why do you wish to bottle sunshine?”
The child looked at you as if his response was the most obvious, and couldn’t believe you didn’t know why, as he slowly replied, “To spray sunshine on those who need it.”
You smiled sincerely at him and slowly said, “Well, go on then. Go bottle up some sunshine in the garden.”
The child grinned toothily at you, exposing his milk teeth with various gaps in between due to missing teeth to be replaced with permanent, growing ones, emphasising his young age. He sprinted outside in the sun, spray bottle gripped firmly in his small, chubby hand.
You could distinctly hear his melodic laughs of pure happiness as he chased the sun with an open spray bottle, and suddenly, an idea was sparked in your mind. You quickly shuffled to a cupboard of arts and craft supplies, and you whipped out a jar of golden glitter.
Sneaking up behind the child, you unscrewed the lid of the jar and released the golden glitter in the air over the child. The child shrieked in happiness and elation as he spun around with the bottle in his hand.
“Quick! The sun is offering you its sunshine! Collect it before it falls on the ground!” You yelled urgently with a ginormous grin, and the child whipped the bottle around to collect the golden glitter, giggling to himself as he did so.
Soon enough, the child had captured enough sunshine in his spray bottle, and as he adjusted the spray’s direction, he sprayed you with the golden glitter. You laughed as the glitter touched your skin, shimmering against you just like sunshine, and you came to the realisation that perhaps logic in that moment did not matter.
It felt just like sunshine.