Why is it part of being human to always want more than what we have?
Isn’t this greed? Suppose your clock was the only one of its kind to ever exist and was the sole method of telling the exact time, and much to your dismay and lack of luck, it stopped functioning. Now, all you can do is estimate what time it is based on the location of the sun in the sky, but it does not actually matter, now does it? The incessant obsession over the concept of time that people often tend to get drawn to in order to maintain systematic routine and order within their day-to-day lives will not allow them to achieve anything.
You are robbing yourself from the infinitely timeless requirement in achieving goals and dreams when you limit things to time and schedule. Setting deadlines for yourself may discipline your productivity and procrastination, however, it also takes away a fundamental fragment of your creativity and sense of freedom to truly accomplish your desires.
As we divert back to the question of why people always seem to constantly want more than what they currently have, we will soon realise that various successful people in the world today wouldn’t have reached where they are now if they weren’t greedy for more.
So then, why do we feel so guilty during the late hours of the night as we twist and turn in bed restlessly, our minds whirring about things we wish we could have that are not within our reach? We ought to be content with what we have — be grateful for the things we possess in life, whether these are materialistic objects like cars or apartments, or intangible matters, like health and a positive state of mind.
Granted, so many people do not possess the things you may currently have, and would only dream of possessing them — luxuries that you may consider ‘simple’, such as having clean water to drink, and a larger variety of food to pick from. Before you know it, you begin to question whether you wanting more makes you selfishly greedy.
You can’t resist quenching your thirst of demanding more. You cannot possibly accept yourself to take it as it is and not move forward and progress in your life.
No. You want more, and more you shall have. It is your right to expect more from what life offers you, and you have the freedom to chase after it and never settle for less. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how bad you want what you cannot have yet. If your urge to tackle obstacles that will lead you to your goal is strong enough, and if your heart is completely set on that one thing you truly desire, you will get it.
Time does not matter. It does not define your progress. The pace in which you work for what you want to achieve varies from one person to the other, and it quite evidently does not indicate success or failure. It is — to put it simply, a mere journey. What matters is the end result; the path along the way is not for the public to view with their scrutinizing, judgmental gazes. That progress is for you to cherish and learn from, to grow from and to appreciate how far you have come from where you first began.
Wanting more for the betterment of your soul is not classified as greed. If you are not hurting people by getting what you desire, then how is that such a bad thing? You can be grateful for what you currently have, and still intend on attaining so much more.
So as you lay there on your bed at such an ungodly hour of the night, ease your thoughts by reassuring your mind that it’s okay to want more. It’s okay to want that promotion at work. It’s okay to want to move from a B to an A in your college course. It’s okay to want to win first place instead of third. It’s okay to want to learn more than one instrument. It’s okay to yearn saying that you’re multilingual.
The point is, if you undeniably want it enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it, and never take that power, your power, for granted.
Miraculously, you managed to find two batteries as you rummaged in your drawers for something to fix your clock in the middle of the night when you noticed it had stopped working. Put the new batteries in your clock, and let time go on once more, only this time, you’re more driven and focused.
Clear headspace. Positive outlook. Definite goals.
You will succeed.